AUGUST 10, 2023

LUSAKA, ZAMBIA – Stories of hope, determination, and community support continue to unfold in the Maamba township as Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL) continues in its efforts of uplifting people’s lives.
One such story is the heartwarming story of Prince Muchimba, today an inspiring young man, who does not let the fact that he was born differently abled limit his dreams. His dream has always been to live a normal life, independently and to have a career in accountancy.
As early as 2016, the company recognized Prince’s potential, and ever since has been supporting him, helping him realise his dreams and with time has come to embrace him as a member of the MCL family.
Today, Prince aged 25, is in his second year at ZCAS University, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Accounts, with MCL covering all expenses towards his tuition, accommodation, as well as for the services of a dedicated helper to support him through his academic journey.
MCL’s journey with Prince started in 2016 at an MCL Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) event, when the company was donating a generator to Maamba Special School and the young dreamer caught the attention of the company management when delivering the vote of thanks.
“Prince’s speech that day was nothing short of remarkable; his eloquence and heartfelt expression caught the attention of MCL management. We sensed and saw the determination in his eyes and immediately knew that he needed to be provided every opportunity to thrive and succeed. It was from that moment that Maamba Collieries decided to support Prince on his journey towards achieving his dreams,” narrates Charity Namushi, the Administration Manager for MCL.
Since 2016, MCL has been a supporting force in Prince’s life, providing unwavering support for his education. Ms. Namushi added that MCL is proud to be a guiding force in Prince’s life, stating it is a privilege to render its staunch and ongoing backing for his education – in keeping with the company’s vision of …Making a Difference!
In 2020, the company, understanding the importance of enabling Prince’s mobility and his need for independence provided him with a top-of-the-line off the shelf wheelchair. However, due to his health issues, it became increasingly apparent that he would require a tailor-made wheelchair to cater for his specific needs.
On the 4th of August, MCL, working in collaboration with Aspire Clinic, who designed a custom-made motorised wheelchair to meet these specific needs, donated Prince his new ‘wheels’ valued at K80,000 (around US$4,500).
After test driving his new powered wheelchair, Prince responded gratefully, acknowledging how MCL’s benevolent and continuing support has transformed his life and pledged to prove the value of the company’s support through hard work and his continued personal growth and success. He said, “This wheelchair is a game-changer and I consider myself lucky; not everyone gets such an opportunity. MCL’s wish is to see me succeed and I will work hard to reach my full potential and be an example of how such support can empower individuals in society and make a positive impact.”
Seeing the incredible difference MCL has made in Prince’s life, Mr. John Chinsunka, Student Welfare Officer at ZCAS University, also extended his heartfelt gratitude to the company on behalf of the University community. “The university appreciates everything that MCL has been doing for Prince. Their unwavering support has allowed him to pursue his dreams without much hindrance, which he would otherwise have had to deal with.” he said.
As Prince Muchimba continues to embody the spirit of resilience and determination to overcome all odds, MCL commits its continued unwavering support to Prince Muchimba to help him to fulfill his dreams and aspirations. It is hoped the motorised wheelchair, specifically designed to suit his needs, will help power Prince’s dream, providing him with the much required mobility and independence and help him at college and in his daily life.
About Maamba Collieries Ltd
Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL), in Sinazongwe District in Southern Province, is Zambia’s largest coal mine and the nation’s biggest Independent Power Producer (IPP) with Zambia’s only coal-fired Thermal Power Plant (TPP).
The company operates a 300 MW (2 X 150 MW units) modern, eco-friendly coal-fired power plant – the only one of its kind in Zambia – with the capacity to supply 10 percent of the country’s current installed electricity generation capacity.
MCL is owned 65 percent by Nava Bharat Singapore Pte and 35 percent by ZCCM-IH, with some US$919 million invested since 2010.
The plant provides diversity in the nation’s energy mix and contributes to the nation’s base load electricity demand with high-availability power that is independent of climate change.
For media inquiries please contact:
Gillian Langmead at Langmead & Baker Ltd;
+260 979 060705;