Kalumbila Minerals Limited (KML) has handed over three 1X3 classroom blocks to the Ministry of Education in Kisasa area. The mine handed over one 1X3 at Mutuba Community School and two 1X3 classroom blocks at Kisasa Day Secondary School.
Kansanshi Mine’s junior cycling team has started its two-week tour of South Africa with a successful weekend’s racing in Mpumalanga. Competing in an inter-provincial cup race that featured the top junior cyclists from Gauteng, Limpopo, and Mpumalanga, Kansanshi’s Davies Kawemba...
As part of its Corporate Social Investment, First Quantum Minerals’ subsidiary Kalumbila Minerals Limited (KML), through the Trident Foundation Limited (TFL) facilitated the formation of the Musele Community Resource Board to ensure sustainable fishing activities in both Musangezhi dam...
First Quantum Minerals has launched a community health programme aimed at complementing government’s efforts to improve the health and wellness of people in rural townships.
Kalumbila Minerals Limited (KML) has through its Trident Foundation Limited (TFL) continued to equip people in the mine’s catchment area with business skills to promote sustainable community development outside mining activities.
Since its first introduction in 2012 by First Quantum Minerals’ Kansanshi Cycling Academy, competitive cycling has become one of the most effective tools by which youths in North-Western Province explore alternative employment prospects outside mining.
Kansanshi Mining Plc has donated three Dell Laptop computers to the Engineering Institute of Zambia (EIZ) to enable them carry out a very important Diagnostic Survey among their 17,459 members across Zambia. The three laptops were handed over to...
Communities in North-Western Province can now access to books directly from a mobile library set up by First Quantum Minerals’ Kansanshi Mining Plc.The service was launched as part of the mining firm’s National Library Week celebration.
On the 10 September 2021, First Quantum Mining and Operations Limited (FQMO) reported that a number of its employees from its Mining Division, based at the Kansanshi Mine, participated in an illegal work stoppage on the 9 and 10...